Industrial Check Valves
Warren Valve an industrial & pipeline check valve manufacturer, has become a pioneer in the industrial check valve market.
Warren offers a Cast, Forged, and Pipeline (Through Conduit) check valve design. Manufacturing capabilities include ¼”-42”, ANSI 150#-2500#. Materials of construction include Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Alloy 20, and other exotic materials.
Care should be taken to select the most suitable industrial Check valve for your service. This includes Pipe Size, Valve Material, Pressure Temperature Rating, and Valve End Connection. Other key elements to take into consideration include Fugitive Emissions, and NACE requirement.
Check Valves are used in every industry where backflow prevention in a piping system is required. This includes Oil & Gas, Petroleum Refining, Petrochemical, Pulp & Paper, Marine, Power Generation, Mechanical Construction, and Industrial Gas.
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Product Overview
What Are the Advantages of Check Valves?
An industrial check valve is used to prevent back flow in a pipeline. Warren Valve offers both a Swing & Piston Check design. In a Swing Check fluid flow travels straight through the valve resulting in minimal pressure drop. In a Piston Check fluid flows in a “S” pattern through the valve, with some flow restriction. A Swing Check design is the optimal solution for larger pipelines, with limited backflow occurrences, to prevent back flow, without restricting flow. A Piston Check should be considered for processes where severe and/or consistent backflow occurs.
The disc of a Check valve swings into the open position as media flows through the pipeline. Back pressure in the line and/or gravity hold the disc in the closed position. Swing Check valves may be installed in horizontal or vertical lines, but must be installed in proper relation to media flow, as indicated by the flow direction of the arrow on the body.